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Brittney has been dancing FatChanceBellydance Style® (FCBD®) since 2011. You would find her practicing and sometimes performing with her troupe partners of Wildthorne Tribal Collective and with Glenda, Artistic Director of Hibiscus Dance.


When the opportunity arises, Brittney loves to improve her FCBD® skills and general technique by taking different workshops offered in the Okanagan and Lower Mainland areas. She is also venturing into new styles of belly dance, recently completing the first Phase of Rachel Brice’s 8 Elements Datura Style™ program.

FCBD® has become her passion for a couple reasons. Its improvisational style of expressing music on the spot with her dance sisters is an exciting challenge!


For Brittney though, the most magical part about FCBD® is its ability to bring all types of amazing people together that may not otherwise ever meet.



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